After the structures are built and the winners declared the creations go on view to the general public as giant art exhibits. At the close of the competitions 100% of the food used in the structures is donated to our Greater Vancouver Food Banks for distribution to community emergency feeding programs.
Canstruction Vancouver

Canstruction Vancouver is an annual design and build competitions that takes place in over 160 cities world wide. Teams of architects, engineers, designers and schools get together to CANstruct fantastic, giant sized sculptures made entirely out of canned food.
Web site:
Canstruction Vancouver coming event days
Dates: 2016 Apr 29 - 2016 May 13
Location: 885 West Georgia Street , Vancouver , British Columbia
The Pendulum Gallery - 885 West Georgia Street
The Greater Vancouver Food Bank Society is counting down for the single biggest injection of food they receive each year. Please be part of the creativity, the excitement and the solution to our community’s food challenges.
Canstruction Vancouver previous events
2016 Apr 29 - 2016 May 13 : 885 West Georgia Street Vancouver British Columbia
2015 Apr 24 - 2015 May 08 : 885 West Georgia Street Vancouver British Columbia
2014 May 11 - 2014 May 16 : The Pendulum Gallery Vancouver British Columbia